Code Structure

We are describing the structure of the project in this section. Codes that were written by us are available in the src folder, images and icons are available in assets folder, and remaining codes were created by React Native repository. To learn more about React Native coding standards click here

app -> actions

All payloads of information that send data from your application to your redux store (Actions / Redux).

app -> common

All configurations and setup files of the app that can be customized and modified.

app -> main

Root, major files, and screens that shows when the app runs.

app -> pages

All pages of the app (e.g. home, cart, search, profile, address ... etc).

app -> reducers

Specify how the application's state changes in response to actions sent to the redux store (Reducers).

app -> services

Helper methods to create APIs for Magento2 websites.

src -> components

All components used in this app.

Last updated